Thank you all for your answers and clarification.

The reason I mentioned the 10000 rows LIMIT is not only because it is the
default LIMIT in cqlsh, but also because I found it on the CQL document
specifically the "Specifying rows returned using LIMIT" section. Perhaps
the document needs some updates to clarify a bit about what applies to the
drivers and what applies to cqlsh?

On Wed, Jun 25, 2014 at 12:21 AM, Sylvain Lebresne <>

> On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 1:03 AM, ziju feng <> wrote:
>> I was wondering if the default 10000 rows LIMIT applies to automatic
>> pagination in C* 2.0 (I'm using Datastax driver).
> There is no "10000 rows LIMIT" in CQL. cqlsh does apply a default LIMIT if
> you don't provide for convenience sake, but it's a cqlsh thing. Therefore,
> there is no default limit with the java driver (neither with or without
> automatic pagination).
> --
> Sylvain

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