We do a repair -pr on each node once a week on a rolling basis.
Should we be running cleanup as well?  My understanding that was only used
after adding/removing nodes?

We'd like to avoid adding nodes if possible (which might not be).   Still
curious if we can get C* to do the maintenance task on a separate volume.


On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 12:03 PM, Jeremy Jongsma <jer...@barchart.com>

> One option is to add new nodes, and do a node repair/cleanup on
> everything. That will at least reduce your per-node data size.
> On Wed, Jun 18, 2014 at 11:01 AM, Brian Tarbox <tar...@cabotresearch.com>
> wrote:
>> I'm running on AWS m2.2xlarge instances using the ~800 gig
>> ephemeral/attached disk for my data directory.  My data size per node is
>> nearing 400 gig.
>> Sometimes during maintenance operations (repairs mostly I think) I run
>> out of disk space as my understanding is that some of these operations
>> require double the space of one's data.
>> Since I can't change the size of attached storage for my instance type my
>> question is can I somehow get these maintenance operations to use other
>> volumes?
>> Failing that, what are my options?  Thanks.
>> Brian Tarbox

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