might be what you're looking for. It's in the bin folder of your cassandra installation.
Though I really doubt you'd want to just drop what is in Oracle into cassandra. SQL to NoSQL is rarely ever a 1 to 1 mapping. On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 8:23 AM, Joyabrata Das < > wrote: > Hi, > > Could someone please help on how to import data from Apache Cassandra to > Oracle Coherence. > > As per my understanding it could be done by sstable to JSON-->JSON upload > to oracle coherence, however is there any code/tool/script to upload JSON > to Oracle Coherence. > > Thanks, > Joy > -- Samir Faci *insert title* fortune | cowsay -f /usr/share/cows/tux.cow Sent from my non-iphone laptop.