our mix-mode is not by choice, but nevertheless it worked very well for a few 
months until recent fail.
we have resolved the issue by deleting the var directory from the windows 
machine, thus removing all the data that was on the node.  this was done due to 
time constraints and a solution like this won't be considered if this should 
happen again. also, after a short investigation, the cause of the fault might 
have been hardware malfunction during some cassandra operation.
From: Michael Shuler <mshu...@pbandjelly.org> on behalf of Michael Shuler 
Sent: Sunday, May 25, 2014 8:06 PM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Re: cassandra boot is stuck in hint compaction.

On 05/25/2014 04:12 AM, Igor Shprukh wrote:
> ​hi guys, we have a 6 node cluster, consisting of 5 linux machines and a
> windows one.

Mixed linux/windows clusters are not a supported configuration. It might

> after a hard shutdown of the windows machine, the node is stuck on hints
> compaction for more than
> half an hour and cassandra won't start. must say that it is a strong
> machine with 16gb of ram and 250 gb of space dedicated to the node. all
> other nodes are up.
> what could be the problem causing this?

I'm not sure if your mixed-OS cluster is by choice, or if you are simply
testing out the feasibility of running mixed-OS clusters. It may be
interesting to continue to see where you get with trying to work through
your problem, and if some improvements could be made to fix whatever
problem you are having, please open a jira ticket with your discoveries.

As Paulo mentioned, you'll need to dig through log details and do some
thorough investigation to help others help you, since you are in
untested waters.  :)

Kind regards,

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