Why not use NetworkTopology and specify each region as a ‘DC’ ?


Setup a snitch (propertyFile or Gossip, or even the EC2Region one) to list out 
which nodes are in which DC. 


Then when creating the Keyspace, specify NetworkTopology,  with RF1 in each DC 
/ Rack.



CREATE KEYSPACE fred WITH replication = {'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 
'DC2': '1', 'DC3': '1', 'DC1': '1'};





Mark Farnan



From: William Oberman [mailto:ober...@civicscience.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, May 13, 2014 11:11 PM
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: NTS, vnodes and 0% chance of data loss


I found this:



I read the three referenced cases.  In addition, case 4123 references:



And even though I *think* I understand all of the issues now, I still want to 
double check...



-A cluster using NTS with options [DC:3]

-Physical layout = In DC, 3 nodes/rack for a total of 9 nodes


No vnodes: I could do token selection using ideas from case 3810 such that each 
rack has one replica.  At this point, my "0% chance of data loss" scenarios are:

1.) Failure of two nodes at random

2.) Failure of 2 racks (6 nodes!)


Vnodes: my "0% chance of data loss" scenarios are:

1.) Failure of two nodes at random

Which means a rack failure (3 nodes) has a non-zero chance of data failure 


To get specific, I'm in AWS, so racks ~= "availability zones".  In the years 
I've been in AWS, I've seen several occasions of "single zone downtimes", and 
one time of "single zone catastrophic loss".  E.g. for AWS I feel like you 
*have* to plan for a single zone failure, and in terms of "safety first" you 
*should* plan for two zone failures.


To mitigate this data loss risk seems rough for vnodes, again if I'm 
understanding everything correctly:

-To ensure 0% data loss for one zone => I need RF=4

-To ensure 0% data loss for two zones => I need RF=7


I'd really like to use vnodes, but RF=7 is crazy.


To reiterate what I think is the core idea of this message: 

1.) for vnodes 0% data loss => RF=(# of allowed failures at once)+1

2.) racks don't change the above equation at all



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