
We're going to deploy a large Cassandra cluster in PB level. Our scenario
would be:

1. Lots of writes, about 150 writes/second at average, and about 300K size
per write.
2. Relatively very small reads
3. Our data will be never updated
4. But we will delete old data periodically to free space for new data

We've learned that compaction strategy would be an important point cause
we've ran into 'no space' trouble because of the 'sized tiered'  compaction

We've read http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/LargeDataSetConsiderations and
is this enough or update-to-date? From our experience changing any
settings/schema during a large cluster is on line and has been running for
some time is really really a pain. So we're gathering more info and
expecting some more practical suggestions before we set up  the cassandra

Thanks and any help is of great appreciation

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