Hello, Do people use counters when they want to have idempotent operations in cassandra?
I have a use case for using a counter to check for a count of objects in a partition. If the counter is more than some value then the data in the partition is moved into two different partitions. I can't work out how to do this splitting and recover if a problem happens during modification of the counter. http://www.ebaytechblog.com/2012/08/14/cassandra-data-modeling-best-practices-part-2explains that counters shouldn't be used if you want idempotency. I would agree, but the alternative is not very elegant. I would have to manully count the objects in a partition and then move the data and repeat the operation if something went wrong. It is less resource intensive to read a counter value to see if a partition needs splitting then to read all the objects in a partition. The counter value can be stored in its own table sorting in descending order of the counter value. Does anybody else use another technique for achieving this idempotency with counters? I'm using cassandra 2.0.7. Thanks Jabbar Azam