Hi, is it possible that NetworkTopologyStrategy does not work with Cassandra 2.0 any more?
I just updated my Dev Cluster to 2.0.7 and got UnavailableExceptions for CQL&Thrift queries on my already existing column families, even though all (two) nodes were up. Changing to SimpleStrategy fixed the issue. Also I cannot switch switch back to NetworkTopologyStrategy: [default@unknown] update keyspace MYKS with placement_strategy = 'NetworkTopologyStrategy'; Error constructing replication strategy class [default@unknown] update keyspace MYKS with placement_strategy = 'org.apache.cassandra.locator.NetworkTopologyStrategy'; Error constructing replication strategy class This does not seem to be something I encountered with 1.2 before. Can anyone tell me which one is broken here, Cassandra or myself? :-) cheers, Christian