Bloom filters are built on creation / rebuild of SSTable. If you removed
the data, but the old SSTables weren't compacted or you didn't rebuild them
manually, bloom filters will stay the same size.


Kind regards,
MichaƂ Michalski,

On 14 April 2014 14:44, William Oberman <> wrote:

> I had a thread on this forum about clearing junk from a CF.  In my case,
> it's ~90% of ~1 billion rows.
> One side effect I had hoped for was a reduction in the size of the bloom
> filter.  But, according to nodetool cfstats, it's still fairly large
> (~1.5GB of RAM).
> Do bloom filters ever resize themselves when the CF suddenly gets smaller?
> My next test will be restarting one of the instances, though I'll have to
> wait on that operation so I thought I'd ask in the meantime.
> will

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