Correct, a tombstone will only be removed after gc_grace period has
elapsed. The default value is set to 10 days which allows a great deal of
time for consistency to be achieved prior to deletion. If you are
operationally confident that you can achieve consistency via anti-entropy
repairs within a shorter period you can always reduce that 10 day interval.


On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 3:16 PM, William Oberman

> I'm seeing a lot of articles about a dependency between removing
> tombstones and GCGraceSeconds, which might be my problem (I just checked,
> and this CF has GCGraceSeconds of 10 days).
> On Fri, Apr 11, 2014 at 10:10 AM, tommaso barbugli <>wrote:
>> compaction should take care of it; for me it never worked so I run
>> nodetool compaction on every node; that does it.
>> 2014-04-11 16:05 GMT+02:00 William Oberman <>:
>> I'm wondering what will clear tombstoned rows?  nodetool cleanup,
>>> nodetool repair, or time (as in just wait)?
>>> I had a CF that was more or less storing session information.  After
>>> some time, we decided that one piece of this information was pointless to
>>> track (and was 90%+ of the columns, and in 99% of those cases was ALL
>>> columns for a row).   I wrote a process to remove all of those columns
>>> (which again in a vast majority of cases had the effect of removing the
>>> whole row).
>>> This CF had ~1 billion rows, so I expect to be left with ~100m rows.
>>>  After I did this mass delete, everything was the same size on disk (which
>>> I expected, knowing how tombstoning works).  It wasn't 100% clear to me
>>> what to poke to cause compactions to clear the tombstones.  First I tried
>>> nodetool cleanup on a candidate node.  But, afterwards the disk usage was
>>> the same.  Then I tried nodetool repair on that same node.  But again, disk
>>> usage is still the same.  The CF has no snapshots.
>>> So, am I misunderstanding something?  Is there another operation to try?
>>>  Do I have to "just wait"?  I've only done cleanup/repair on one node.  Do
>>> I have to run one or the other over all nodes to clear tombstones?
>>> Cassandra 1.2.15 if it matters,
>>> Thanks!
>>> will

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