Thanks for the links.

As I'm messing around with CQL, I'm realizing Cassandra isn't going to do
what I need. Quite simply, here's a basic layout of my table:

myTable (
visit_dt timestamp,
cid ascii,
company text,
// ... other stuff
       primary key (visit_dt, cid)
index on (company)

My query starts off with visit_dt IN ('2014-01-17'). In Cassandra, I
essentially get back just 1 wide row (but shows as many within CQL3). I can
filter that via AND company='my company' due to the index. However, if I
LIMIT 10; there isn't a way to get "the next 10" records as token() only
works on the partition key, and each row has the same partition key.

Or am I missing something? Is there a way I've not discovered to get "the
next 10" on a single wide row?


On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 5:12 PM, Tupshin Harper <> wrote:

> Read the automatic paging portion of this post :
> On Mar 17, 2014 8:09 PM, "Philip G" <> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 4:54 PM, Robert Coli <>wrote:
>>> The form of your question suggests you are Doing It Wrong, FWIW.
>> Okay, let me ask different question: how do you go about data browsing in
>> a CQL3 table? Especially in situations were a single query could return a
>> couple thousand records, and we want to limit it by a 100 at a time.
>> Please, feel free to point me in the right direction, if necessary. I
>> admit I'm still figuring out Cassandra/CQL. But my knowledge has been
>> exponentially expanding on a daily basis. I want to understand this more,
>> and possible solution to problems I'm running into migrating from a RDBMS
>> (mssql) to Cassandra. I've figured out a lot of stuff, but have not quite
>> resolved this use-case.
>> Thanks,
>> ---
>> Philip

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