I have read that blog post which actually was the source of the initial 
confusion ;)

If I write normally (no batch) at Quorum, then a hinted write wouldn’t count as 
a valid write so the write wouldn’t succeed, which means I would have to retry. 
That’s a pretty well defined outcome.

Now if I write a logged batch at Quorum, then a by definition, a hinted write 
shouldn’t be considered a valid response, no?

- Drew

On Mar 17, 2014, at 11:23 AM, Jonathan Lacefield <jlacefi...@datastax.com> 

> Hello,
>   Have you seen this blog post, it's old but still relevant.  I think it will 
> answer your questions.  
> http://www.datastax.com/dev/blog/atomic-batches-in-cassandra-1-2.
>   I think the answer lies in how Cassandra defines a batch "In the context of 
> a Cassandra batch operation, atomic means that if any of the batch succeeds, 
> all of it will."
>   My understanding is that in your scenario if either statement succeeded, 
> you batch would succeed.  So #1 would get "hinted" and #2 would be applied, 
> assuming no other failure events occur, like the coordinator fails, the 
> client fails, etc.
>   Hope that helps.
> Thanks,
> Jonathan
> Jonathan Lacefield
> Solutions Architect, DataStax
> (404) 822 3487
> On Mon, Mar 17, 2014 at 1:38 PM, Drew Kutcharian <d...@venarc.com> wrote:
> Hi Jonathan,
> I’m still a bit unclear on this. Say I have two CQL3 tables:
> - user (replication of 3)
> - user_email_index (replication of 3)
> Now I create a new logged batch at quorum consistency level and put two 
> inserts in there:
> #1 Insert into the “user" table with partition key of a timeuuid of the user 
> #2 Insert into the “user_email_index" with partition key of user’s email 
> address 
> As you can see, there is a chance that these two insert statements will be 
> executed on two different nodes because they are keyed by different partition 
> keys. So based on the docs for Logged Batches, a batch will be applied 
> “eventually” in an "all or nothing” fashion. So my question is, what happens 
> if insert #1 fails (say replicas are unavailable), would insert #2 get 
> applied? Would the whole thing be rejected and return an error to the client? 
> PS. I’m aware of the isolation guarantees and that’s not an issue. All I need 
> to make sure is that if the first the statement failed, the whole batch needs 
> to fail.
> Thanks,
> Drew
> On Mar 17, 2014, at 5:33 AM, Jonathan Lacefield <jlacefi...@datastax.com> 
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>>   Consistency is declared at the statement level, i.e. batch level when 
>> writing, but enforced at each batch row level.  My understanding is that 
>> each batch (and all of it's contents) will be controlled through a specific 
>> CL declaration.  So batch A could use a CL of QUORUM while batch B could use 
>> a CL of ONE.   
>>   The detail that may help sort this out for you is that batch statements do 
>> not provide isolation guarantees: 
>> www.datastax.com/documentation/cql/3.0/cql/cql_reference/batch_r.html.  This 
>> means that you write the batch as a batch but the reads are per row.  If you 
>> are reading records contained in the batch, you will read results of 
>> partially updated batches.  Taking this into account for your second 
>> question, you should expect that your read CL will preform as it would for 
>> any individual row mutation. 
>>   Hope this helps.
>> Jonathan
>> Jonathan Lacefield
>> Solutions Architect, DataStax
>> (404) 822 3487
>> On Sat, Mar 15, 2014 at 12:23 PM, Drew Kutcharian <d...@venarc.com> wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> How do Atomic Batches and Consistency Level relate to each other? More 
>> specifically:
>> - Is consistency level set/applicable per statement in the batch or the 
>> batch as a whole?
>> - Say if I write a Logged Batch at QUORUM and read it back at QUORUM, what 
>> can I expect at normal, single node replica failure or double node replica 
>> failure scenarios?
>> Thanks,
>> Drew

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