Please do use Stack Overflow - that is the appropriate forum for OpsCenter support (unless you are a DataStax customer). Use the OpsCenter tag:

-- Jack Krupansky

-----Original Message----- From: Drew from Zhrodague
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2014 2:51 PM
Subject: Opscenter help?

I am having a hard time installing the Datastax Opscenter agents on EL6
and EL5 hosts. Where is an appropriate place to ask for help? Datastax
has move their forums to Stack Exchange, which seems to be a waste of
time, as I don't have enough reputation points to properly tag my questions.

The agent installation seems to be broken:
[] agent rpm conflicts with sudo
[] install from opscenter does not work, even if manually installing
the rpm (requres --force, conflicts with sudo)
[] error message re: log4j #noconf
[] Could not find the main class: opsagent.opsagent. Program will exit.
[] No other (helpful/more in-depth) documentation exists


Drew from Zhrodague
post-apocalyptic ad-hoc industrialist

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