On Wed, Mar 12, 2014 at 9:10 AM, Edward Capriolo <edlinuxg...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Again, I am glad that the project has officially ended support for thrift
> with this clear decree. For years the project kept saying "Thrift is not
> going anywhere". It was obviously meant literally like the project would do
> the absolute minimum to support it until they could make the case to remove
> it completely.

Yes, I didn't realize at the time, but both meanings of "not going
anywhere" were apparently intended.

"Not going anywhere" as in not likely to be removed (for another few major
versions at least)
but also
"Not going anywhere" as in being the (un/semi/barely-)maintained second
class citizen API

For the record, I have always presumed that thrift will eventually be
removed from the codebase, so for me this new announcement does not
generate new surprise or outrage. Separate cannot be equal, and eventually
the pain of keeping it in there will outweigh the pain of deprecating it.
Even though I do not use CQL3 or the binary protocol and the removal of
thrift would force me to do so, having two APIs is so bizarro that I'm left
hoping that it *is* eventually deprecated...


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