
  Not sure this question is appropriate for the Open Source C* users group.
 If you would like, please email me directly to discuss DataStax specific



Jonathan Lacefield
Solutions Architect, DataStax
(404) 822 3487


On Tue, Mar 11, 2014 at 11:27 AM, Ariel Weisberg <ar...@weisberg.ws> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am doing a presentation at Big Data Boston about how people are
> bridging the gap between OLTP and ingest side databases and their
> analytic storage and queries. One class of systems I am talking about
> are things like HBase and DSE that let you run map reduce against your
> OLTP dataset.
> I remember reading at some point that DSE allows you to provision
> dedicated hardware for map reduce, but the docs didn't seem to fully
> explain how that works.I looked at
> http://www.datastax.com/documentation/datastax_enterprise/4.0/datastax_enterprise/ana/anaStrt.html
> My question is what kind of provisioning can I do? Can I provision
> dedicated hardware for just the filesystem or can I also provision
> replicas that are dedicated to the file system and also serving reads
> for map reduce jobs. What kind of support is there for keeping OLTP
> reads from hitting the Hadoop storage nodes and how does this relate to
> doing quorum reads and writes?
> Thanks,
> Ariel

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