Can someone from Datastax confirm this point ? If it's true, is it the same for 
a decommission ? I mean, if we decommission a node with old data (in case it 
has been down for more than max_hint_window_in_ms and not repaired), will we 
finally have a situation where old data has been spread and we need to use 
repair -pr everywhere to not get (really) old data with LOCAL_ONE consistency ?

I use branch cassandra-1.2 but if there are differences between this branch and 
cassandra-2.0 tell me.


On 23 Jan 2014, at 21:53, Robert Coli <> wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 7:16 AM, Tupshin Harper <> wrote:
> This should be the doc you are looking for.
> Rebuild (like bootstrap) only streams data from a single source replica per 
> range. IMO, therefore, the above process "should" end with a "repair all 
> nodes in both data centers with -pr" step. Otherwise, requests to the new DC 
> with LOCAL_X ConsistencyLevels or CL.ONE may violate consistency.
> I have bcc:ed, in case they agree and want to modify the 
> above doc. :D
> =Rob

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