Oh sorry, I misunderstood. But now I'm confused about how what you are trying to do is not accomplished with the existing IF NOT EXISTS syntax.
http://www.datastax.com/documentation/cassandra/2.0/cassandra/dml/dml_ltwt_transaction_c.html -Tupshin On Mar 10, 2014 4:24 PM, "Wayne Schroeder" <wschroe...@pinsightmedia.com> wrote: > The plan IS to do the whole write as a lightweight transaction because I > do need to rely on the behavior. I am just vetting the expected > behavior--that doing it as a conditional update, i.e. a light weight > transaction, that I am not missing something and it will behave as I > outlined without some other unrealized consequence. Additionally, it > sounds like a potential nice CQL level feature -- that a language keyword > could be added to indicate that a LWT should be done to ensure that the > quorum update is an all or nothing update at the expense of using LWT. > > Wayne > > > On Mar 10, 2014, at 3:52 PM, Tupshin Harper <tups...@tupshin.com> wrote: > > If you really need to rely on this behavior, you should probably do the > whole write as a lightweight transaction, despite the additional overhead. > > >