You can use blobAs<Type> functions to insert empty blobs/values right into your cells, for example blobAsInt(0x) will insert an *empty* integer.

On 3/10/14, 9:56, Rahul Gupta wrote:

How do I check for NULL values in CQL3?

I am trying to write a CQL equivalent for below SQL:


While inserting data into C*, CQL won’t let me insert NULL, I have to
pass ‘’ for Strings and 0 for integers.

I have ‘’ and 0s as valid data so that’s conflicting with fillers I have
to use instead of NULL.

Please advise.


*Rahul Gupta*
*DEKA**Research & Development* <>

340 Commercial StManchester, NH  03101

P: 603.666.3908 extn. 6504 | C: 603.718.9676

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