Robert, please elaborate why you say "To make best use of Cassandra, my minimum 
recommendation is usually RF=3, N=6."

I surmise that with any less than 6 nodes, you'd likely perform better with a 
sequential/single-node solution.  You need at least six nodes to overcome the 
overheads from concurrency.  But that's a vague explanation.

Thanks, Don

From: Robert Coli []
Sent: Friday, March 07, 2014 11:36 AM
Subject: Re: replication_factor: ?

On Fri, Mar 7, 2014 at 7:26 AM, Daniel Curry 
<<>> wrote:
  I would like to know on what is the rule of thumb for "replication_factor:" 
I think the answer is depends on how many nodes one has? IE: three nodes will 
be the
number 3.  What would happen it I put the number 2 for a three node cluster?

To make best use of Cassandra, my minimum recommendation is usually RF=3, N=6. 
There are certainly valid use cases with lower RF or N but from what I can tell 
they are an order of magnitude less common.


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