Thanks for the reply, My perl is rusty so I wasn't sure if the problem was my 
fault or not, At the time I tried to dig into the driver source code without 
much luck, and concluded it was the driver after all.

I'll make a simple specific test case shortly. (I'm away overseas so it will 
have to wait until I get to a computer).


Sent from iPhone

> On 7 Mar 2014, at 3:06 am, "Paul \"LeoNerd\" Evans" <> 
> wrote:
> On Sun, 23 Feb 2014 13:06:54 +1100
> Jacob Rhoden <> wrote:
>> Thanks! I did try this without success. Perhaps I am just making a
>> simple perl mistake then? I’ve been doing java so long, my perl is a
>> little rusty:
>>        my @address = ();
>>        if(defined $a1 && $a1 ne "") {
>>            push @address, $a1;
>>        }
>>        if(defined $a2 && $a2 ne "") {
>>            push @address, $a2;
>>        }
>>        if(defined $a3 && $a3 ne "") {
>>            push @address, $a3;
>>        }
>>        my @f;
>>        my $q = $cass->prepare("update contact set name=?, address=? where 
>> uuid=?")->get;
>>        push @f, $q->execute([$name, \@address, $uuid]);
>>        Future->needs_all( @f )->get;
> First of all, quite aside from the actual error, your use of
> Future->needs_all on a list of a single future is totally redundant
> there. You can replace that with simply
>  $q->execute(...)->get;
> Secondly, it's a little hard for me to reproduce this one locally
> without seeing the table definition. Could you supply the CQL
> definition used to create the table as well, so I can try it out for
> myself?
> -- 
> Paul "LeoNerd" Evans
>  |

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