Hi, while adding support for Cassandra into DataNucleus I came across the following CREATE TABLE schema1.mapfkvalueitem (desc varchar,key varchar,name varchar,mapfkvalueitem_id bigint, PRIMARY KEY (mapfkvalueitem_id));
which fails with the delightfully informative message Bad Request: line 1:37 no viable alternative at input 'desc' Simple trial and error leads me to the conclusion that this is due to "desc" being a reserved keyword that cannot be used for column identifiers. 1. Is there a list somewhere of reserved keywords that I can access so that I prohibit a user entering such a column name? a method on the DataStax Java driver would be great, but otherwise a web page somewhere would do. 2. Wouldn't it be better to have that error message updated to be a bit more descriptive such as "'desc' is a reserved keyword, so cannot be used as a table/column identifier" or even just "'desc' is a reserved keyword" ? TIA -- Andy