On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 11:47 AM, Sylvain Lebresne <sylv...@datastax.com>wrote:

>>>> I still have some questions regarding the mapping. Please bear with me
>>>> if these are stupid questions. I am quite new to Cassandra.
>>>> The basic cassandra data model for a keyspace is something like this,
>>>> right?
>>>> SortedMap<byte[], SortedMap<byte[], Pair<Long, byte[]>>
>>>>                  ^ row key. determines which server(s) the rest is
>>>> stored on
>>>>                                              ^ column key
>>>>                                                                ^
>>>> timestamp (latest one wins)
>>>> ^ value (can be size 0)
>>> It's a reasonable way to think of how things are stored internally, yes.
>>> Though as DuyHai mentioned, the first map is really sorting by token and in
>>> general that means you use mostly the sorting of the second map concretely.
>> Yes, understood.
>> So the first SortedMap is sorted on some kind of hash of the actual key
>> to make sure the data gets evenly distributed along the nodes? What if my
>> key is already a good hash: is there a way to use an identity function as a
>> hash function (in CQL)?
> It's possible, yes. The hash function we're talking about is what
> Cassandra calls "the partitioner". You configure the partitioner in the
> yaml config file and there is one partitioner, ByteOrderedPartitioner, that
> is basically the identify function.
> We however usually discourage user for using it because the partitioner is
> global to a cluster and cannot be changed (you basically pick it at cluster
> creation time and are stuck with it until the end of time), and since
> ByteOrderedPartitioner can easily lead to hotspot in the data distribution
> if you're not careful...For those reasons, the default partitioner is also
> much more tested, and I can't remember anyone mentioning the partitioner
> has been a bottleneck.
> Thanks for the info. I thought that this might be possible to adjust on a
per-keyspace level.

But if you can only do this globally, then I will leave it alone. Other
than the (probably negibile) performance impact of hashing the hash again,
there is nothing wrong with doing so. Hashing a SHA1-hash will give a good

anyway, this is getting a bit off-topic.



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