Hi. I am using Cassandra 2.0.5 version. If null is explicitly set to a column, paging_state will not work. My test procedure is as follows:
------ create a table and insert 10 records using cqlsh. the query is as follows: cqlsh:test> CREATE TABLE mytable (id int, range int, value text, PRIMARY KEY (id, range)); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range) VALUES (0, 0); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range) VALUES (0, 1); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range) VALUES (0, 2); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range) VALUES (0, 3); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range) VALUES (0, 4); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range, value) VALUES (0, 5, null); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range, value) VALUES (0, 6, null); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range, value) VALUES (0, 7, null); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range, value) VALUES (0, 8, null); cqlsh:test> INSERT INTO mytable (id, range, value) VALUES (0, 9, null); select data using datastax driver. the pseudocode is as follows: Statement statement = QueryBuilder.select().from("mytable").setFetchSize(1); ResultSet rs = session.execute(statement); for(Row row : rs){ System.out.println(String.format("id=%s, range=%s, value=%s", row.getInt("id"), row.getInt("range"), row.getString("value"))); } the result is as follows: id=0, range=0, value=null id=0, range=1, value=null id=0, range=2, value=null id=0, range=3, value=null id=0, range=4, value=null id=0, range=5, value=null id=0, range=7, value=null id=0, range=9, value=null ------ Result is 8 records although 10 records were expected. Does anyone has a similar issue? Thanks, Katsutoshi