Thanks for the link Rob,

So basically all is down to which keys the node will end up being
responsible for. It could end up holding 100% of the data (that is
including replicas if I read it right). Looks like ensuring that a node is
capable of holding 100% of your data is necessary...


On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Robert Coli <> wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 5:18 AM, Vasileios Vlachos <
>> wrote:
>> Say you have 6 nodes with 300G each. So you decommission N1 and you bring
>> it back in with Vnodes. Is that going to stream back 90%+ of the 300Gx6, or
>> it eventually will hold the 90%+ of all the data stored into your cluster?
>> If the second is what actually happens, this process should be safe on a
>> live cluster as well, given that you are going to upgrade the other 5 nodes
>> straight after..
> ?
> =Rob

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