Cool. I actually changed the consistency level to LOCAL_ONE and things
worked as expected.


On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 11:31 AM, Chris Burroughs

> I think the scenario you outlined is correct.  The DES handles multiple
> DCs poorly and the LOCAL_ONE hammer is the best bet.
> On 01/31/2014 12:40 PM, Paulo Ricardo Motta Gomes wrote:
>> Hey,
>> When adding a new data center to our production C* datacenter using the
>> procedure described in [1], some of our application requests were
>> returning
>> null/empty values. Rebuild was not complete in the new datacenter, so my
>> guess is that some requests were being directed to the brand new
>> datacenter
>> which still didn't have the data.
>> Our Hector client was connected only to the original nodes, with
>> autoDiscoverHosts=false and we use ConsistencyLevel.ONE for reads. The
>> keyspace schema was already configured to use both data centers.
>> My question is: is it possible that the dynamic snitch is choosing the
>> nodes in the new (empty) datacenter when CL=ONE? In this case, it's
>> mandatory to use CL=LOCAL_ONE during bootstrap/rebuild of a new
>> datacenter,
>> otherwise empty data might be returned, correct?
>> Cheers,
>> [1]
>> webhelp/cassandra/operations/ops_add_dc_to_cluster_t.html

*Paulo Motta*

Chaordic | *Platform*
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