Dear Cassandra list, We are experiencing the following distibution of our tokens:
State Address Load Tokens Owns Host ID Rack UN 108.72 GB 263 0.0% f2c84a20-a4b7-4db1-b5bd-95eaf231ac76 RAC1 UN 71.86 GB 254 25.0% a13afce3-7e98-4a3b-98d1-5bf6742435a4 RAC1 UN 152.23 GB 258 25.0% 90247170-e2bc-43ae-a827-2dcb082e43fc RAC1 UN 103.91 GB 248 50.0% 89f362f5-e844-470d-a303-f54e46abc1cb RAC1 our num_tokens is set to 256 and this node started as a regular node and later this was migrated to a virtual node. We are using the org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner. I've already tried the move and the shuffle nodetool commands after reading a few other posts about this somewhere else, but with no luck. Can anyone please advice? At this point, our servers don't have enough data that I wouldn't consider creating another cluster, swap the apps to the new cluster and migrate the data using snapshots or scripts, but I think this is a dumb way to do this... Kind regards, Augusto