> I never figured out what kills stdout for C*. It's a library we depend on,
> didn't try too hard to figure out which one.

Nah, it's Cassandra itself (in
org.apache.cassandra.service.CassandraDaemon.activate()), but you can pass
-f (for 'foreground') to not do it.

> On 29 January 2014 21:07, Frank Ng <fnt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Benedict,
>> Thanks for the advice.  I've tried turning on PrintSafepointStatistics.
>> However, that info is only sent to the STDOUT console.  The cassandra
>> startup script closes the STDOUT when it finishes, so nothing is shown for
>> safepoint statistics once it's done starting up.  Do you know how to
>> startup cassandra and send all stdout to a log file and tell cassandra not
>> to close stdout?
>> Also, we have swap turned off as recommended.
>> thanks
>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 3:39 PM, Benedict Elliott Smith <
>> belliottsm...@datastax.com> wrote:
>>> Frank,
>>> The same advice for investigating holds: add the VM flags 
>>> -XX:+PrintSafepointStatistics -XX:PrintSafepointStatisticsCount=1   (you 
>>> could put something above 1 there, to reduce the amount of logging, since a 
>>> pause of 52s will be pretty obvious even if aggregated with lots of other 
>>> safe points; the count is the number of safepoints to aggregate into one 
>>> log message)
>>> 52s is a very extreme pause, and I would be surprised if revoke bias could 
>>> cause this. I wonder if the VM is swapping out.
>>> On 29 January 2014 19:02, Frank Ng <fnt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the update.  Our logs indicated that there were 0 pending
>>>> for CompactionManager at that time.  Also, there were no nodetool repairs
>>>> running at that time.  The log statements above state that the application
>>>> had to stop to reach a safepoint.  Yet, it doesn't say what is requesting
>>>> the safepoint.
>>>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 1:20 PM, Shao-Chuan Wang <
>>>> shaochuan.w...@bloomreach.com> wrote:
>>>>> We had similar latency spikes when pending compactions can't keep it
>>>>> up or repair/streaming taking too much cycles.
>>>>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Frank Ng <fnt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> All,
>>>>>> We've been having intermittent long application pauses (version
>>>>>> 1.2.8) and not sure if it's a cassandra bug.  During these pauses, there
>>>>>> are dropped messages in the cassandra log file along with the node seeing
>>>>>> other nodes as down.  We've turned on gc logging and the following is an
>>>>>> example of a long "stopped" or pause event in the gc.log file.
>>>>>> 2014-01-28T23:11:12.183-0500: 1337654.424: Total time for which
>>>>>> application threads were stopped: 0.091450 seconds
>>>>>> 2014-01-28T23:14:11.161-0500: 1337833.401: Total time for which
>>>>>> application threads were stopped: 51.8190260 seconds
>>>>>> 2014-01-28T23:14:19.870-0500: 1337842.111: Total time for which
>>>>>> application threads were stopped: 0.005470 seconds
>>>>>> As seen above, there was a 0.091450 secs pause, then a 51.8190260
>>>>>> secs pause.  There were no GC log events between those 2 log statements.
>>>>>> Since there's no GC logs in between, something else must be causing the
>>>>>> long stop time to reach a safepoint.
>>>>>> Could there be a Cassandra thread that is taking a long time to reach
>>>>>> a safepoint and what is it trying to do? Along with the node seeing other
>>>>>> nodes as down in the cassandra log file, the StatusLogger shows 1599
>>>>>> Pending in ReadStage and 9 Pending in MutationStage.
>>>>>> There is mention of cassandra batch revoke bias locks as a possible
>>>>>> cause (not GC) via:
>>>>>> http://www.mail-archive.com/user@cassandra.apache.org/msg34401.html
>>>>>> We have JNA, no swap, and the cluster runs fine besides there
>>>>>> intermittent long pause that can cause a node to appear down to other
>>>>>> nodes.  Any ideas as the cause of the long pause above? It seems not
>>>>>> related to GC.
>>>>>> thanks.

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