Hi all, I've spend a lot of time finding a bug in system, but it turns out that the problem is in Cassandra.
Here is how to reproduce. ============= CREATE KEYSPACE IF NOT EXISTS test_set WITH REPLICATION = { 'class' : 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; USE test_set; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user ( key timeuuid PRIMARY KEY, username text, email text, first_name text, last_name text, features set<text>, ) WITH caching='all'; INSERT INTO user(key,username,email,first_name,last_name,features) VALUES (now(),'ainsttp0ess2kiphu2pe1bbrle',' l3b7brn6jp9e8s0mmsr7ae5...@mmcm4jf9a9g9b95c053ksbsi18.com','gqh9ekmv6vc9nf1ce8eo3rjcdd','fmg92158br9ddivoj59417q514',{'i6v8i4a5gpnris5chjibllqf0','480m4c1obiq61ilii1g7rm0v17','50kovlifrtrtqihnvmbefaeacl'}) IF NOT EXISTS; select * from user; ============== The problem here is that user.features is null instead of set of 3 strings. If you remove `IF NOT EXISTS` it executes correctly and set of string will be inserted. I don't see any problem with the queries, seems to be the problem with C*. -- Vladimir Prudnikov