Hi all,

I would appreciate an advice whether is a good idea to upgrade from
cassandra 1.2.3 to 1.2.13 and how to best proceed. The particular
cluster consists of 3 nodes (each one in a different DC having 1
replica) with a relativelly low traffic and 10GB load per node.

I am specifically interested whether is possible to upgrade just one
node and keep it running like that for some time, i.e. if the gossip
protocol is compatible in both directions. We are a bit afraid to
upgrade all nodes to 1.2.13 at once in a case we would need to rollback.

I know that the sstable format changed in 1.2.5 so in case we need to
rollback, the newly written data would need to be synchronized from the
old servers.

Also, after the migration to 1.2.13, we would like to start using
node-to-node encryption. I imagine that you need to configure it on all
nodes at once, so it would require a small outage.

Thank you in advance
Jiri Horky

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