Assuming that you have a 3 node cassandra cluster with replication factor of 3 
(so all nodes have the data)…

Does there exist a cassandra client that would allow a cassandra cluster to 
behave similarly to a couchbase cluster where for a given RowKey X, the client 
would always communicate to the same node in the cassandra cluster?  
Essentially provides sharding at the client tier by RowKey.  The main reason 
for doing this would be to avoid some of the issues you run into with eventual 
consistency and allowing the cluster to resolve conflicts using server side 

I’m not sure exactly if this would work like I’d want, but thought it might be 
an interesting use case.  You might even be able to extend this behavior into 
the client further if the client is aware of the sharding algorithm being 
applied to the cluster so that you always communicate to a shard that has the 
data for a given row key.




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