Check the SSTable is actually in use by cassandra, if it’s missing a component 
or otherwise corrupt it will not be opened at run time and so not included in 
all the fun games the other SSTables get to play. 

If you have the last startup in the logs check for an “Opening… “ message or an 
ERROR about the file. 


Aaron Morton
New Zealand

Co-Founder & Principal Consultant
Apache Cassandra Consulting

On 30/12/2013, at 1:28 pm, David McNelis <> wrote:

> I am currently running a cluster with 1.2.8.  One of my larger column 
> families on one of my nodes has keyspace-tablename-ic-####-Data.db with a 
> modify date in August.
> Since august we have added several nodes (with vnodes), with the same number 
> of vnodes as all the existing nodes.
> As a result, (we've since gone from 15 to 21 nodes), then ~32% of my data of 
> the original 15 nodes should have been essentially balanced out to the 6 new 
> nodes.  (1/15 + 1/16 + .... 1/21).
> When I run a cleanup, however, the old data files never get updated, and I 
> can't believe that they all should have remained the same.
> The only recently updated files in that data directory are secondary index 
> sstable files.  Am I doing something wrong here?  Am I thinking about this 
> wrong?
> David

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