
I have been planning to migrate my cluster from random to murmur3 in a
similar manner. I intend to use pycassa to read and then write to the newer
cluster. My only concern would be ensuring the consistency of already
migrated data as the cluster ( with random ) would be constantly serving
the production traffic. I was able to do this on a non prod cluster, but
production is a different game.

I would also like to hear more about this, especially if someone was able
to successfully do this.


On Mon, Dec 23, 2013 at 6:45 PM, horschi <> wrote:

> Hi list,
> has anyone ever tried to migrate a cluster from Random to Murmur?
> We would like to do so, to have a more standardized setup. I wrote a small
> (yet untested) utility, which should be able to read SSTable files from
> disk and write them into a cassandra cluster using Hector. This migration
> would be offline of course and would only work for smaller clusters.
> Any thoughts on the topic?
> kind regards,
> Christian
> PS: The reason for doing so are not "performance". It is to simplify
> operational stuff for the years to come. :-)

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