Is there a way to include *multiple* column names in a slice query where one 
only component of the composite column name key needs to match?  

For example, if this was a single row -

username:0   |   username:1   |  city:0   |  city:1     |   other:0    |   
bob          |   ted          |  sf       |  nyc        |   foo        |   bar

I can do a slice with "username:0" and "city:1" or any fully identified column 
names. I also can do a range query w/ first component equal to "username", and 
set the bounds for the second component of the key to +/- infinity (or \u00000 
to \uffff for utf8), and get all columns back that start with "username".

But what if I want to get all usernames and all cities? Without composite keys 
this would be easy - just slice on a collection of column names - ["username", 
"city"]. With composite column names it would have to look something like 
["username:*", "city:*"], where * represents a wildcard or a range.

My questions –

1) Is this supported in the Thrift interface or CQL?
2) If not, is there clever data modeling or indexing that could accomplish this 
use case? 1 single-row round-trip to get these columns?
3) Is there plans to support this in the future? Generally, what is the future 
of composite columns in a CQL world?


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