On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 2:55 AM, Bonnet Jonathan. <
jonathan.bon...@externe.bnpparibas.com> wrote:

> The link is not allowed by my company where i Work, so nobody never manage
> to make work a restore with archive commit log ? Strange to me to let this
> option in all new releases of cassandra if it doesn't work.

There is a fair amount of code in a lot of open source software which was
added for or because of a single (usually large/prominent) end user shop.
It's a bit strange, but is part of the essential nature of patches : they
are produced by people who need them and have the resources to produce them.

For Cassandra, this list probably includes :

- streaming commit log (netflix)
- replace_token/node (netflix)
- counters (digg/twitter)



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