It's been a while since I tried that but here are some things I can
think of:
* the .log.out seems wrong. Unless your cassandra commitlogs don't end
in .log.out. I tried this locally with your script and my commitlogs get
extracted to .log files for me.
* I never tried the restore procedure on a cluster with multiple nodes.
I imagine if you have a quorum defined the replayed commitlog may be
ignored because the commitlog write operation is older then the deletion
in which case the latter will be returned (nothing in your case)
On 13/12/13 13:27, Bonnet Jonathan. wrote:
As i told you i began to explore restore operations, see my config for
archive commit logs:
archive_command=/bin/bash /produits/cassandra/scripts/
%path %name
restore_command=/bin/bash /produits/cassandra/scripts/
%from %to
restore_point_in_time=2013:12:11 17:00:00
My 2 scripts
bzip2 --best -k $1
mv $1.bz2 /produits/cassandra/cassandra_data/archived_commit/$2.bz2
cp -f $1 $2
bzip2 -d $2
For an example, at 2013:12:11 17:30:00 i had truncate a table which belong
to a keyspace with no replication on one node, after that i made a nodetool
flush. So when i restore to 2013:12:11 17:00:00 i expect to have my table
bein fill up again.
The node restart with this config correctly, i see my archive commit log
come back to my commitlogdirectory, seems bizarre to me that these ones
finish by *.out like CommitLog-3-1386927339271.log.out and not just .log.
Everything is normal ?
When i query my table now, this one is still empty. Finaly my restore
doesn't work and i wonder why ?
Do i have to make a restore on all nodes ? my keyspace have no replication
but perhaps restore need same operation on all node.
I miss something, i don't know.
Thanks for your help.