
Is there a way to monitor the progress of a hinted handoff task?

I found the following two mbeans providing some info:

org.apache.cassandra.internal:type=HintedHandoff, which tells me that there
is 1 active task, and
which quite often gives a timeout when executed.

Ideally, I would like to see how many hints have been sent (e.g. over the
last minute or so), and how many hints are still to be sent (although I
assume that's what countPendingHints normally does?)

I'm experiencing hinted handoff tasks that are started, but never finish,
so I would like to know what the task is doing.

My log shows this:

INFO [HintedHandoff:1] 2013-12-02 13:49:05,325 HintedHandOffManager.java
(line 297) Started hinted handoff for host:
6f80b942-5b6d-4233-9827-3727591abf55 with IP: /
(nothing more for [HintedHandoff:1])

The node is up and running, the network connection is ok, no gossip
messages appear in the logs.

Any idea is welcome.
(Casandra 1.2.3)


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