I have worked with Pycassa before and wrote a wrapper to use batch mutation
& connection pooling etc. But
http://wiki.apache.org/cassandra/ClientOptions recommends
now to use CQL 3 based api because Thrift based api (Pycassa) will be
supported for backward compatibility only. Apache site recommends to use
Python api written by DataStax which is still in Beta (As per their
documentation). See warnings from their python-driver/README.rst file


This driver is currently under heavy development, so the API and layout of
packages,modules, classes, and functions are subject to change. There may
also be serious bugs, so usage in a production environment is *not* recommended
at this time.

DataStax site http://www.datastax.com/download/clientdrivers recommends
using DB-API 2.0 plus legacy api's. Is there more? Has any one compared
between CQL 3 based apis? Which stands out on top? Answers based on facts
will help the community so please refrain from opinions.

Please help ??

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