Thank you very much. I'll try to find the code.


On Thu, Nov 21, 2013 at 4:35 AM, Aaron Morton <>wrote:

> Of the top of my head there are some delays in the code do with schema
> synchronisation and bootstrapping. I’m not sure if it adds up to two
> minutes but it sounds ok. But the two minute window would allow a new node
> to startup, join, sync the schema and start the bootstrap process.
> I was trying to figure out why, and how to check if after 2 minutes the
> conditions to add more nodes are met or I have to wait more... any clues?
> If you see the new node as JOINING state ( cannot remember what that is in
> nodetool status) you should be ok to go.
> Cheers
> -----------------
> Aaron Morton
> New Zealand
> @aaronmorton
> Co-Founder & Principal Consultant
> Apache Cassandra Consulting
> On 19/11/2013, at 7:28 am, Carlos Alvarez <> wrote:
> Hi.
> Here
>  says
> that it is needed to wait 2 minutes between adding nodes.
> I was trying to figure out why, and how to check if after 2 minutes the
> conditions to add more nodes are met or I have to wait more... any clues?
> Thanks!
> Carlos.

Tal vez hubo un error en la grafía. O en la articulación del Sacro Nombre.

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