In our testing USB tends to be slower. If there is something more integrated 
internally would give you better performance

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On Nov 16, 2013, at 8:30 AM, Dan Simpson <> wrote:

> It doesn't seem like a great idea.  The USB drives typically use dynamic wear 
> leveling.  See this analysis on wear: 
> If you you do end up using it, make sure to monitor write latency so you 
> don't get hit by the bus.
> On Sat, Nov 16, 2013 at 6:12 AM, David Tinker <> wrote:
>> Our hosting provider has a cost effective server with 2 x 4TB disks
>> with a 16G (or 64G) USB thumb drive option. Would it make sense to put
>> the Cassandra commit log on the USB thumb disk and use RAID0 to use
>> both 4TB disks for data (and Ubuntu 12.04)?
>> Anyone know how long USB flash disks last when use for a write heavy
>> workload like this?
>> Please tell me if this is a really bad idea.
>> Our alternative is to use one 4TB disk for commit log and one for
>> data. Of course this will give us only half the space.
>> Thanks
>> David

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