We're using Cassandra 1.1 with Hector 1.1 library. We've found that reducing 
the CL when an exception occurs is useful as it's usually easier to deal with 
things not being consistent for a few seconds than the database read/write not 
succeeding at all.

We have multiple DCs and use NetworkTopologyStrategy to strictly govern where 
data is replicated. Because of this, LOCAL_QUORUM isn't good enough: if a write 
occurs in DC A then nodes in DC B won't necessarily have the data before a read 
in DC B wants the (maybe updated) data. 

We therefore use ALL, EACH_QUORUM, QUORUM, LOCAL_QUORUM, ONE, ANY for write CL, 
falling back to the next in the list if a CL can't be achieved. With 
high-consistency writes, we can get away with lower-consistency reads, so use 
LOCAL_QUORUM, ONE for read CL, again falling back to the next if an error 
occurs. We also find it useful to retry with several attempts at each CL to 
account for network faults, which can be common on a congested/slow/unreliable 
network (especially WAN) or busy nodes. We only fail the operation if we've 
exhausted all CL and retries. 

This approach works well for us: we issue a warning if a lower CL is used or 
retries were required and we've seen only a handful of these on our nodes and 
then only during very busy periods. It helps that our use case allows us to 
occasionally take a couple of extra seconds to perform the database op if we 
need to; yours may not, I don't know.

We haven't had any problems with errors from corrupt SSTables but maybe that's 
because we're using a different version of Cassandra, a different client and 
likely have different read/write/delete usage.

Hope that helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: graham sanderson [mailto:gra...@vast.com] 
Sent: 10 November 2013 06:12
To: user@cassandra.apache.org
Subject: Question about consistency levels

I'm trying to be more succinct this time since no answers on my last attempt.

We are currently using 2.0.2 in test (no C* in production yet), and use 
(LOCAL_)QUORUM CL on read and writes which guarantees (if successful) that we 
read latest data.

That said, it is highly likely that (LOCAL_)ONE would return our data since it 
isn't read for quite some time after write.

Given that we must do our best to return data, we want to see what options we 
have when a quorum read fails (say 2 of 3 replicas go down with 3 replicas - 
note we have also seen this issue with bugs related to CF deletion/re-creating 
during compaction or load causing data corruption in which case 1 bad node can 
screw things up)

One option is to fall back to (LOCAL_)ONE if we detect the right exception from 
(LOCAL_)QUORUM from the client side, but that obviously degrades your 

That said we ONLY ever do idempotent writes, and NEVER delete. So once again I 
wonder if there is a (reasonable) use case for a CL whereby you will accept the 
first non empty response from any replica?

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