> Today I need to bring that data center back in. It is not 2-3 days out dated. 
> I have two options:
> 1) Treat this as a new data center and let the nodes sync from scratch, or
> 2) Bring the nodes back up with all the data in place and do a repair.
As long as the nodes were down for less than gc_grace_seconds i would bring the 
old ones back with their data and run repair. 

If possible avoid having the application read from them until it’s complete. 

> There are 4 nodes in both data centers, with RF=2.
I’d recommend moving to RF 3 if you use QUORUM. 


Aaron Morton
New Zealand

Co-Founder & Principal Consultant
Apache Cassandra Consulting

On 26/10/2013, at 2:33 am, Oleg Dulin <oleg.du...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am using Cassandra 1.1.11 and plan on upgrading soon, but in the meantime 
> here is what happened.
> I couldn't run repairs because of a slow WAN pipe, so i removed the second 
> data center from the cluster.
> Today I need to bring that data center back in. It is not 2-3 days out dated. 
> I have two options:
> 1) Treat this as a new data center and let the nodes sync from scratch, or
> 2) Bring the nodes back up with all the data in place and do a repair.
> We are talking about 30-40Gigs per node. There are 4 nodes in both data 
> centers, with RF=2.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Oleg Dulin
> http://www.olegdulin.com

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