This is almost a guaranteed sign that the clocks are off in your cluster. If you run the select query a couple of times in a row right after deletion, do you see the data appear again?
On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 12:12 AM, Alexander Shutyaev <>wrote: > Hi all, > > Unfortunately, we still have a problem. I've modified my code, so that it > explicitly sets the consistency level to *QUORUM* for each query. > However, we found out a few cases when the record is deleted on only *1 > node of 3*. In this cases the *delete* query executed ok, and the > *select*query that we do right after delete returned > *0* rows. Later when we ran a global daily check *select* returned *1*row. > How can that be? What can we be missing? > > > 2013/10/7 Jon Haddad <> > >> I haven't used VMWare but it seems odd that it would lock up the ntp >> port. try "ps aux | grep ntp" to see if ntpd it's already running. >> >> On Oct 7, 2013, at 12:23 AM, Alexander Shutyaev <> >> wrote: >> >> Hi Michał, >> >> I didn't notice your message at first.. Well this seems like a real cause >> candidate.. I'll add an explicit consistency level QUORUM and see if that >> helps. Thanks >> >> >> 2013/10/7 Alexander Shutyaev <> >> >>> Hi Nick, >>> >>> Thanks for the note! We have our cassanra instances installed on virtual >>> hosts in VMWare and the clock synchronization is handled by the latter, so >>> I can't use ntpdate (says that NTP socket is in use). Is there any way to >>> check if the clocks are really synchronized? My best attempt was using >>> three shell windows with commands already typed thus requiring only >>> clicking on the window and hitting enter. The results varied by 100-200 >>> msec which I guess is just about the time I need to click and press enter :) >>> >>> Thanks in advance, >>> Alexander >>> >>> >>> 2013/10/7 Nikolay Mihaylov <> >>> >>>> Hi >>>> >>>> my two cents - before doing anything else, make sure clocks are >>>> synchronized to the millisecond. >>>> ntp will do so. >>>> >>>> Nick. >>>> >>>> >>>> On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 9:02 AM, Alexander Shutyaev >>>> <>wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hi all, >>>>> >>>>> We have encountered the following problem with cassandra. >>>>> >>>>> * We use *cassandra v2.0.0* from *Datastax* community repo. >>>>> >>>>> * We have *3 nodes* in a cluster, all of them are seed providers. >>>>> >>>>> * We have a *single keyspace* with *replication factor = 3*: >>>>> >>>>> *CREATE KEYSPACE bof WITH replication = {* >>>>> * 'class': 'SimpleStrategy',* >>>>> * 'replication_factor': '3'* >>>>> *};* >>>>> >>>>> * We use *Datastax Java CQL Driver v1.0.3* in our application. >>>>> >>>>> * We have not modified any *consistency settings* in our app, so I >>>>> assume we have the *default QUORUM* (2 out of 3 in our case) >>>>> consistency *for reads and writes*. >>>>> >>>>> * We have 400+ tables which can be divided in two groups (*main* and * >>>>> uids*). All tables in a group have the same definition, they vary >>>>> only by name. The sample definitions are: >>>>> >>>>> *CREATE TABLE bookingfile (* >>>>> * key text,* >>>>> * entity_created timestamp,* >>>>> * entity_createdby text,* >>>>> * entity_entitytype text,* >>>>> * entity_modified timestamp,* >>>>> * entity_modifiedby text,* >>>>> * entity_status text,* >>>>> * entity_uid text,* >>>>> * entity_updatepolicy text,* >>>>> * version_created timestamp,* >>>>> * version_createdby text,* >>>>> * version_data blob,* >>>>> * version_dataformat text,* >>>>> * version_datasource text,* >>>>> * version_modified timestamp,* >>>>> * version_modifiedby text,* >>>>> * version_uid text,* >>>>> * version_versionnotes text,* >>>>> * version_versionnumber int,* >>>>> * versionscount int,* >>>>> * PRIMARY KEY (key)* >>>>> *) WITH* >>>>> * bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND* >>>>> * caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND* >>>>> * comment='' AND* >>>>> * dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND* >>>>> * gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND* >>>>> * index_interval=128 AND* >>>>> * read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND* >>>>> * replicate_on_write='true' AND* >>>>> * populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND* >>>>> * default_time_to_live=0 AND* >>>>> * speculative_retry='NONE' AND* >>>>> * memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND* >>>>> * compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND* >>>>> * compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};* >>>>> >>>>> *CREATE TABLE bookingfile_uids (* >>>>> * date text,* >>>>> * timeanduid text,* >>>>> * deleted boolean,* >>>>> * PRIMARY KEY (date, timeanduid)* >>>>> *) WITH* >>>>> * bloom_filter_fp_chance=0.010000 AND* >>>>> * caching='KEYS_ONLY' AND* >>>>> * comment='' AND* >>>>> * dclocal_read_repair_chance=0.000000 AND* >>>>> * gc_grace_seconds=864000 AND* >>>>> * index_interval=128 AND* >>>>> * read_repair_chance=0.100000 AND* >>>>> * replicate_on_write='true' AND* >>>>> * populate_io_cache_on_flush='false' AND* >>>>> * default_time_to_live=0 AND* >>>>> * speculative_retry='NONE' AND* >>>>> * memtable_flush_period_in_ms=0 AND* >>>>> * compaction={'class': 'SizeTieredCompactionStrategy'} AND* >>>>> * compression={'sstable_compression': 'LZ4Compressor'};* >>>>> * >>>>> * >>>>> *CREATE INDEX BookingFile_uids_deleted ON bookingfile_uids (deleted);* >>>>> >>>>> * We don't have any problems with the tables from the *main* group. >>>>> >>>>> * As for the tables from the *uids* group we have noticed that >>>>> sometimes deletes from these tables do not do their job. They don't fail, >>>>> they just do nothing. We have confirmed this by adding a select query >>>>> after >>>>> deletes. Most times everything is ok and select returns 0 records. But >>>>> sometimes (~5 out of 100,000) it returns the supposedly deleted row. >>>>> >>>>> * We have logged the ExecutionInfo objects with query tracing that are >>>>> returned by Datastax's driver. Here are the details >>>>> >>>>> *DELETE FROM bookingfile_uids WHERE date=C20131006 AND >>>>> timeAndUid=195248590_4762ce41-d2d2-448d-be8c-c7fcb6b7394e* >>>>> >>>>> *ExecutionInfo: [* >>>>> *triedHosts=/;* >>>>> *queriedHost=/;* >>>>> *achievedConsistencyLevel=null;* >>>>> *queryTrace=* >>>>> * Message received from / on /[Thread-56] at >>>>> Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Acquiring switchLock read lock on /[MutationStage:49] at >>>>> Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Appending to commitlog on /[MutationStage:49] at Sun Oct >>>>> 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Adding to bookingfile_uids memtable on /[MutationStage:49] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Enqueuing response to / on /[MutationStage:49] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Sending message to / on /[WRITE-/] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Message received from / on /[Thread-34] at >>>>> Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Acquiring switchLock read lock on /[MutationStage:43] at >>>>> Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Appending to commitlog on /[MutationStage:43] at Sun Oct >>>>> 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Adding to bookingfile_uids memtable on /[MutationStage:43] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Enqueuing response to / on /[MutationStage:43] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Sending message to / on /[WRITE-/] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Determining replicas for mutation on >>>>> /[Native-Transport-Requests:1387368] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Sending message to / on /[WRITE-/] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Acquiring switchLock read lock on /[MutationStage:46] at >>>>> Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Sending message to / on /[WRITE-/] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Message received from / on /[Thread-5] at Sun >>>>> Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Processing response from / on >>>>> /[RequestResponseStage:4] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Message received from / on /[Thread-7] at Sun >>>>> Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Processing response from / on >>>>> /[RequestResponseStage:4] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:57 MSK 2013;* >>>>> *]* >>>>> >>>>> *SELECT * FROM bookingfile_uids WHERE date=C20131006 AND >>>>> timeAndUid=195248590_4762ce41-d2d2-448d-be8c-c7fcb6b7394e returned 1 >>>>> record >>>>> * >>>>> >>>>> the same query 1 second later: >>>>> >>>>> *DELETE FROM bookingfile_uids WHERE date=C20131006 AND >>>>> timeAndUid=195248590_4762ce41-d2d2-448d-be8c-c7fcb6b7394e* >>>>> * >>>>> * >>>>> *ExecutionInfo: [* >>>>> *triedHosts=/;* >>>>> *queriedHost=/;* >>>>> *achievedConsistencyLevel=null;* >>>>> *queryTrace=* >>>>> * Message received from / on /[Thread-57] at >>>>> Sun Oct 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Determining replicas for mutation on >>>>> /[Native-Transport-Requests:1387705] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Acquiring switchLock read lock on /[MutationStage:43] at >>>>> Sun Oct 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Appending to commitlog on /[MutationStage:43] at Sun Oct >>>>> 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Adding to bookingfile_uids memtable on /[MutationStage:43] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Sending message to / on /[WRITE-/] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Sending message to / on /[WRITE-/] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Message received from / on /[Thread-4] at Sun >>>>> Oct 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Processing response from / on >>>>> /[RequestResponseStage:6] >>>>> at Sun Oct 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> * Message received from / on /[Thread-18] at >>>>> Sun Oct 06 19:55:58 MSK 2013* >>>>> *]* >>>>> * >>>>> * >>>>> *SELECT * FROM bookingfile_uids WHERE date=C20131006 AND >>>>> timeAndUid=195248590_4762ce41-d2d2-448d-be8c-c7fcb6b7394e returned 0 >>>>> records.* >>>>> >>>>> * Cassandra's system.log on all 3 nodes lists nothing special during >>>>> these queries - just some compaction related *INFO* entries. >>>>> >>>>> Can anyone help with this? What is our next step? >>>>> >>>>> Thanks in advance, >>>>> Alexander >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >> >> > -- ----------------- Nate McCall Austin, TX @zznate Co-Founder & Sr. Technical Consultant Apache Cassandra Consulting