If you're hitting 3/5 nodes, it sounds like you've set your replication
factor to 5. Is that what you're doing so you can have a 2-node outtage?

For a 5-node cluster, RF=5, each node will have 100% of your data (a second
DC is just a clone), so with a 3GB off-heap it means that 3GB / <total data
size in GB> total would be cacheable in the row cache.

On the other hand, if you're doing RF=3, each node will have 60% of your
data instead of 100% so the effective percentage of rows that are cache
goes up by 66%.

Great quick & dirty caclulator: http://www.ecyrd.com/cassandracalculator/

On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 6:40 AM, Artur Kronenberg <
artur.kronenb...@openmarket.com> wrote:

>  I was reading through configuration tips for cassandra and decided to
> use row-cache in order to optimize the read performance on my cluster.
> I have a cluster of 10 nodes, each of them opeartion with 3 GB off-heap
> using cassandra 2.4.1. I am doing local quorum reads, which means that I
> will hit 3 nodes out of 5 because I split my 10 nodes into two data-centres.
> I was under the impression that since each node gets a certain range of
> reads my total amount of off-heap would be 10 * 3 GB = 30 GB. However is
> this still correct with quorum reads? How does cassandra handle row-cache
> hits in combination with quorum reads?
> Thanks!
> -- artur

*Ken Hancock *| System Architect, Advanced Advertising
SeaChange International
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