Hi Ben,

If you make sure R + W > N you should be fine.
Have a read of this 


On 1 Oct 2013, at 18:29, Ben Hood <0x6e6...@gmail.com<http://gmail.com>> wrote:


We're maintaining a bunch of application specific counters that are
incremented on a per event basis just after the event has been

Given the fact that they can get of sync, we were wondering if there
are any best practices or just plain real world experience for
handling the consistency of these counters?

The application could tolerate an inconsistency for a while, so I'm
not sure that the cost of any full-on ACID semantics (should they
actually be possible in Cassandra) would be justified.

So the first inclination was to issue the increment after the insert
and hope for the best. Then at some later point, we would run a
reconciliation on the underlying data in the column family and compare
this with the counter values. Obviously you can only do this once a
counter column has gone cold - i.e. it wouldn't make sense to
reconcile something that could still get incremented.

Does it make sense to put the insert and increment in a CQL batch?

Does anybody have any high level advice for this design deliberation?



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