> Solr's index sitting on a single machine, even if that single machine can
> vertically scale, is a single point of failure.

And about Cloud Solr?

2013/9/30 Ken Hancock <ken.hanc...@schange.com>

> Yes.
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2013 at 1:57 PM, Andrey Ilinykh <ailin...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Also, be aware that while Cassandra has knobs to allow you to get
>>> consistent read results (CL=QUORUM), DSE Search does not. If a node drops
>>> messages for whatever reason, outtage, mutation, etc. its solr indexes will
>>> be inconsistent with other nodes in its replication group.
>>> Will repair fix it?
> --
> *Ken Hancock *| System Architect, Advanced Advertising
> SeaChange International
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Arquiteto de Software
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