Can someone answer this doubt reg. SSTableSimpleWriter ? I'd asked about
this earlier but it probably missed. Apologies for repeating the question
(with minor additions)  :

Let's say I've initialized a *SSTableSimpleWriter* instance and a new
column with TTL set :

* writer = new
SSTableSimpleWriter( ... /* params here */);*
*org.apache.cassandra.thrift.Column column; // initialize this with name,
value, timestamp, TTL*

What is the difference between calling *writer.addColumn()* on the column's
name, value and timestamp, and *writer.addExpiringColumn()* on the column's
name, value, TTL, timestamp and expiration timestamp ? Does the former
result in the column expiring still , in cassandra 1.2.x (i.e. does setting
the TTL on a Column object change the name or value in a way so as to
ensure the column will expire as required) ? If not , what is the TTL
attribute used for in the Column object ?


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 2:48 PM, Jayadev Jayaraman <>wrote:

> Let's say I've initialized a *SSTableSimpleWriter* instance and a new
> column with TTL set :
> *SSTableSimpleWriter writer = new SSTableSimpleWriter( ... /* params here
> */);*
> *Column column;*
> What is the difference between calling *writer.addColumn()* on the
> column's name and value, and *writer.addExpiringColumn()* on the column
> and its TTL ? Does the former result in the column expiring still , in
> cassandra 1.2.x ? Or does it not ?

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