Oh. That would be a COPY thing then. I'm not extremely familiar with cqlsh
code (which COPY is part of) but looking at the online help for it, it
seems to have a 'NULL' option that allows to define which character is used
to represent nulls. And by default, it does is an empty string. So you
could try something like:
  COPY ... TO ... WITH NULL='null'
(assuming that if you do have nulls you use the string 'null' to encode it
in your csv and that your are sure nothing that's not supposed to be null
will be represented by the string 'null').


On Tue, Sep 24, 2013 at 9:41 AM, Petter von Dolwitz (Hem) <
petter.von.dolw...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Sylvain,
> I was not describing the problem correctly. I'm sorry for this. This is
> the situation:
> 1. I'm populating the DB with the java-driver (INSERT INTO...). Some
> fields that are part of the primary key is *empty strings*. This works fine.
> 2. I'm trying to populate the DB from a CSV (COPY ... FROM) using cqlsh.
> Some fields that are part of the primary key is *empty strings*. This
> scenario gives me the "Bad Request: Invalid null value for clustering key
> part {field_name}" message. Seems like empty strings are treated as NULL
> when using the COPY .. FROM command?
> This can obviously be me not knowing how to encode an empty string in a
> CSV file. A simplified row from the CSV file can look like below:
> "field1_value","","","field4_value","field5_value"
> whereas field1 through field4 is part of the primary key.
> Thanks for your time,
> Petter
> 2013/9/23 Sylvain Lebresne <sylv...@datastax.com>
>> Is it not permitted to have null values in a field that is part a primary
>>> key?
>> It's not.
>>> This seems to be ok when using the java-driver
>> Are you sure? Because that would qualify as a bug (in the sense that it's
>> not supported by C* so there is not reason why this would work with any
>> driver). If you have some java driver code that show it possible, I'd be
>> happy to have a look.
>> --
>> Sylvain

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