I am designing the Column Family for our use case in Cassandra. I am
planning to go with Dynamic Column Structure.

Below is my requirement per our use case-

user-id   column1123      (Column1-Value  Column1-SchemaName  LMD)

 For each user-id, we will be storing column1 and its value and that value
will store these three things always-

(Column1-Value   Column1-SchemaName     LMD)

 In my above example, I have show only one columns but it might have more
columns and those columns will also follow the same concept.

Now I am not sure, how to store these three things always at a column value
level? Should I use composite columns at a column level? if yes, then I am
not sure how to make a column family like this in Cassandra.

Column1-value will be in binary, Column1-SchemaName will be String,
LMD will be DateType.

 This is what I have so far-

create column family USER_DATA
with key_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
and comparator = 'UTF8Type'
and default_validation_class = 'UTF8Type'
and gc_grace = 86400
and column_metadata = [ {column_name : 'lmd', validation_class : DateType}];

 Can anyone help me in designing the column family for this? Thanks.

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