Netflix created file streaming in astyanax into cassandra specifically because 
writing too big a column cell is a bad thing.  The limit is really dependent on 
use case….do you have servers writing 1000's of 200Meg files at the same 
time….if so, astyanax streaming may be a better way to go there where it 
divides up the file amongst cells and rows.

I know the limit of a row size is really your hard disk space and the column 
count if I remember goes into billions though realistically, I think beyond 10 
million might slow down a bit….all I know is we tested up to 10 million columns 
with no issues in our use-case.

So you mean at this time, I could get 2 SSTable files, both contain column 
"Blue" for the same row key, right?


In this case, I should be fine as value of the "Blue" column contain the 
timestamp to help me to find out which is the last change, right?


In MR world, each file COULD be processed by different Mapper, but will be sent 
to the same reducer as both data will be shared same key.

If that is the way you are writing it, then yes


From: Shahab Yunus <<>>
Reply-To: "<>" 
Date: Tuesday, September 17, 2013 7:54 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: questions related to the SSTable file

derstand if following changes apply to the same row key as above example, 
additional SSTable file could be generated. That is

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