Then you can do this. I handle millions of entries this way and it works well if you are mostly interested in recent activity.
If you need to span all activity then you can use a separate table to maintain the 'latest'. This table should also be sharded as entries will be 'hot'. Sharding will spread the heat and the tombstones (compaction load) around the cluster. -ml -- put this in <file> and run using 'cqlsh -f <file> DROP KEYSPACE latest; CREATE KEYSPACE latest WITH replication = { 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor' : 1 }; USE latest; CREATE TABLE time_series ( bucket_userid text, -- bucket is the beginning of a datetime span concatenated with a shard designator pkid text, timeuuid text, colname text, PRIMARY KEY (bucket_userid, timeuuid) ); -- the example table is using 15 minute bucket spans and 2 shards for illustration (you would usually use more shards) -- adjust these appropriately for your application UPDATE time_series SET pkid = '1000', colname = 'Col-Name-1' where bucket_userid = '2013-09-11T05:15-0_XYZ' AND timeuuid='200'; UPDATE time_series SET pkid = '1001', colname = 'Col-Name-2' where bucket_userid = '2013-09-11T05:15-1_XYZ' AND timeuuid='201'; UPDATE time_series SET pkid = '1000', colname = 'Col-Name-3' where bucket_userid = '2013-09-11T05:15-0_XYZ' AND timeuuid='202'; UPDATE time_series SET pkid = '1000', colname = 'Col-Name-4' where bucket_userid = '2013-09-11T05:30-1_XYZ' AND timeuuid='203'; UPDATE time_series SET pkid = '1002', colname = 'Col-Name-5' where bucket_userid = '2013-09-11T05:30-0_XYZ' AND timeuuid='204'; -- This query assumes that the 'current' span is 2013-09-11T05:30 and I am interested in this span and the previous one. SELECT * FROM time_series WHERE bucket_userid in ( -- go back as many spans as you need to, all shards in each span (cartesian product) '2013-09-11T05:15-0_XYZ', '2013-09-11T05:15-1_XYZ', '2013-09-11T05:30-0_XYZ', '2013-09-11T05:30-1_XYZ' ) ORDER BY timeuuid DESC; -- returns: -- bucket_userid | timeuuid | colname | pkid --------------------------+----------+------------+------ -- 2013-09-11T05:30-0_XYZ | 204 | Col-Name-5 | 1002 -- 2013-09-11T05:30-1_XYZ | 203 | Col-Name-4 | 1000 -- 2013-09-11T05:15-0_XYZ | 202 | Col-Name-3 | 1000 -- 2013-09-11T05:15-1_XYZ | 201 | Col-Name-2 | 1001 -- 2013-09-11T05:15-0_XYZ | 200 | Col-Name-1 | 1000 -- do a stable purge on pkid to get the result. On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 1:01 AM, Ravikumar Govindarajan <> wrote: > Thanks Michael, > > But I cannot sort the rows in memory, as the number of columns will be > quite huge. > > From the python script above: > select_stmt = "select * from time_series where userid = 'XYZ'" > > This would return me many hundreds of thousands of columns. I need to go > in time-series order using ranges [Pagination queries]. > > > On Wed, Sep 11, 2013 at 7:06 AM, Laing, Michael < > > wrote: > >> If you have set up the table as described in my previous message, you >> could run this python snippet to return the desired result: >> >> #!/usr/bin/env python >> # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- >> import logging >> logging.basicConfig() >> >> from operator import itemgetter >> >> import cassandra >> from cassandra.cluster import Cluster >> from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement >> >> cql_cluster = Cluster() >> cql_session = cql_cluster.connect() >> cql_session.set_keyspace('latest') >> >> select_stmt = "select * from time_series where userid = 'XYZ'" >> query = SimpleStatement(select_stmt) >> rows = cql_session.execute(query) >> >> results = [] >> for row in rows: >> max_time = max(row.colname.keys()) >> results.append((row.userid, row.pkid, max_time, >> row.colname[max_time])) >> >> sorted_results = sorted(results, key=itemgetter(2), reverse=True) >> for result in sorted_results: print result >> >> # prints: >> >> # (u'XYZ', u'1002', u'204', u'Col-Name-5') >> # (u'XYZ', u'1000', u'203', u'Col-Name-4') >> # (u'XYZ', u'1001', u'201', u'Col-Name-2') >> >> >> >> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Laing, Michael < >>> wrote: >> >>> You could try this. C* doesn't do it all for you, but it will >>> efficiently get you the right data. >>> >>> -ml >>> >>> -- put this in <file> and run using 'cqlsh -f <file> >>> >>> DROP KEYSPACE latest; >>> >>> CREATE KEYSPACE latest WITH replication = { >>> 'class': 'SimpleStrategy', >>> 'replication_factor' : 1 >>> }; >>> >>> USE latest; >>> >>> CREATE TABLE time_series ( >>> userid text, >>> pkid text, >>> colname map<text, text>, >>> PRIMARY KEY (userid, pkid) >>> ); >>> >>> UPDATE time_series SET colname = colname + {'200':'Col-Name-1'} WHERE >>> userid = 'XYZ' AND pkid = '1000'; >>> UPDATE time_series SET colname = colname + >>> {'201':'Col-Name-2'} WHERE userid = 'XYZ' AND pkid = '1001'; >>> UPDATE time_series SET colname = colname + >>> {'202':'Col-Name-3'} WHERE userid = 'XYZ' AND pkid = '1000'; >>> UPDATE time_series SET colname = colname + >>> {'203':'Col-Name-4'} WHERE userid = 'XYZ' AND pkid = '1000'; >>> UPDATE time_series SET colname = colname + >>> {'204':'Col-Name-5'} WHERE userid = 'XYZ' AND pkid = '1002'; >>> >>> SELECT * FROM time_series WHERE userid = 'XYZ'; >>> >>> -- returns: >>> -- userid | pkid | colname >>> >>> ----------+------+----------------------------------------------------------------- >>> -- XYZ | 1000 | {'200': 'Col-Name-1', '202': 'Col-Name-3', '203': >>> 'Col-Name-4'} >>> -- XYZ | 1001 | {'201': >>> 'Col-Name-2'} >>> -- XYZ | 1002 | {'204': >>> 'Col-Name-5'} >>> >>> -- use an app to pop off the latest key/value from the map for each row, >>> then sort by key desc. >>> >>> >>> On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 9:21 AM, Ravikumar Govindarajan < >>>> wrote: >>> >>>> I have been faced with a problem of grouping composites on the >>>> second-part. >>>> >>>> Lets say my CF contains this >>>> >>>> >>>> TimeSeriesCF >>>> key: UserID >>>> composite-col-name: TimeUUID:PKID >>>> >>>> Some sample data >>>> >>>> UserID = XYZ >>>> Time:PKID >>>> Col-Name1 = 200:1000 >>>> Col-Name2 = 201:1001 >>>> Col-Name3 = 202:1000 >>>> Col-Name4 = 203:1000 >>>> Col-Name5 = 204:1002 >>>> >>>> Whenever a time-series query is issued, it should return the following >>>> in time-desc order. >>>> >>>> UserID = XYZ >>>> Col-Name5 = 204:1002 >>>> Col-Name4 = 203:1000 >>>> Col-Name2 = 201:1001 >>>> >>>> Is something like this possible in Cassandra? Is there a different way >>>> to design and achieve the same objective? >>>> >>>> -- >>>> Ravi >>>> >>>> >>> >>> >> >